Izu Trail Journey opens registration for 8 December

We are happy to announce that this year’s 11th edition of Izu Trail Journey in Japan is scheduled for Sunday, 8 December and is now open for registration. One of the country’s most iconic and most competitive trail races has been a member of our Asia Trail Master calendar since 2017 and always ranks among the very best events of the season. The Izu Peninsula is not far south from Tokyo , and race pack collection site Mishima is connected to the capital via shinkansen bullet train.

The stunning course of the Izu Trail Journey, often referred to as "ITJ", takes runners from the edge of the ocean up and across the mountains of the peninsula. It’s an A to B course mainly following an old pilgrimage trail. The expansive vistas of the Pacific Ocean below and the HUGE views of the majestic snow-topped Mt. Fuji you'll encounter while running along the Nishina Pass are awesome and will absolutely blow you away!

Last year, Hong Kong based Esztser Csillag became the second non-Japanese to win Izu Trail, four years after Veronika Vadovicova. Hisashi Kitamura finished in the top ten twice, sixth last year even, in what often is like a national Japanese championship race. While the competition is tough, the cut-off time of 14 hours for the 70km is doable provided you keep moving and can also handle cold weather, which often characterises Izu. Snow is not excluded. The second part of the course is more technical and has more elevation difficulties than the initial 30km.

Registration goes via the official website linked below. Sign up soon, as this one fills up.