Marilog 70: Roberto Cain III and Shekinah Velasquez win Candidate Race

Roberto Cain III and Shekinah Velasquez were the great winners of Marilog Ultra 70 in Davao, Philippines, last weekend, one of several events that obtained the ATM Candidate Race label this season. Marilog was blessed with the participation of several Filipino top runners, and their feedback of the 70km long race, over ondulating terrain was generally very positive. Team Brad, including female star and triple-race-winner this ATM season Julieann Morales, is gradually becoming a reference in Mindanao.

Roberto Cain III was also a recent winner at MUSPO 100 in Bukidnon, a race that was not part of the ATM Championship but nevertheless has built a solid reputation with Larry Apolinario and John Ray Onifa as previous race winners over there. To win last Sunday, Cain had to stay ahead of ATM Finalist Jevie Cagatin and recent co-Punisher winner Eldy Bulod. Even when Cagatin said that he did not push 100% with a view to the upcoming ATM Championship Final race at Borneo TMBT, it remains a remarkable performance by Cain III. Yet another upcoming talent from Mindanao!

In the women’s race, Shekinah Velasquez had the upper hand almost from the beginning. Geia Hestra came second.