2024-25 S10: ATM Calendar Overview 2025 S10 ATM Championship Final 2024 S9: ATM Championship Final 21/09 - Dieng Trail Run (INA) 12/10 - Broder 50 (INA) 19/10 - Luang Prabang Ultra Trail (LAO) 19/10 - Ultimate Trails of Penang (MAS) 09/11 - Lam Dong Trail (VIE) 23/11 - Malnad Ultra (IND) 23/11 - GM Only: SC 70 (PHI) 30/11 - GM Only: Mt Apo Sky Race (PHI) 08/12 - Izu Trail Journey (JPN) 21/12 - Prenn Trail Summit (VIE) 11/01 - Vietnam Trail Marathon (VIE) 18/01 - GM Only: Malico Grand Ultra (PHI) 25/01 - Tahura Trail (INA) 08/02 - Kalaw Ultra Trail Run (MYA) 08/02 - GM Only: Santa Ines Mountain Adventure (PHI) 14/02 - The 9 Dragons Ultra (HKG) 21/02 - GM Only: Pulag Ultra (PHI) 22/02 - BUTM (MAS) 01/03 - Vang Vieng Trail (LAO) 02/03 - Mt Kalatungan Ultra (PHI) 08/03 - Vietnam Ultra Marathon (VIE) 14/03 - Manjushree Trail Race (NPL) 29/03 - Lantau 70 (HKG) 05/04 - Sierra Madre Trail Ultra (PHI) 12/04 - Silabur Cave Trail (MAS) 26/04 - Penang Sky Race (MAS) 01/05 - PMTF (PHI) 10/05 - Bali Trail Running (INA) 10/05 - Jumla Rara Ultra (NPL) 01/06 - Tioman 50 (MAS) -CANCELLED 07/06 - Simpur Ultra (BRU) - TBC 14/06 - Point Trail Ultra (PHI) 15/06 - My Home Trail (THA) 22/06 - Trail des Gombak (MAS) 27/06 - Deep Japan Ultra (JPN) 28/06 - UTSG 50 (SIN) 05/07 - Mantra 116 (INA) 06/07 - Shiga Kogen 100 (JPN) 13/07 - Ulleungdon (KOR) 19/07 - MUSPO Bukidnon (PHI) 26/07 - Kadamaian Ultra (MAS) 02/08 - TBC 16/08 - The Punisher (PHI) 30/08 - GM Only: Marilog Ultra (PHI) 06/09 - Ijen Mountain Marathon (INA) 04/10 - ATM Final: Mu Cang Chai (VIE) XX/07 - Mt Daisetsu Trail Journey (JPN) XX/08 - Bali Ultra Trail (INA) XX/09 - Borneo TMBT Ultra Marathon (MAS) Candidate Races in 2024 2023 ATM Championship Final 2022 ATM Championship Final 2022 ATM Season VII Overview 2021 The 7 Missions (Virtual)
Oldest annual Asian championship for trail runners
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The 2024 ATM Champions


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ATM Championship Rankings

The Top 5 Male and Female in each country can qualify for the ATM Final




Snapshots from Instagram


Talking Trail running

A collection of video and written interviews we have conducted since the beginning of Asia Trail Master at the end of 2014. Find out more about the background or ambitions of some of our and your favourite trail runners.


Runner’s Digest

Stories by runners. Read about how your fellow trail runners experience events or preparation for events.

Contributions always welcome. Everyone likes a good story at tea time on a race-free weekend.


Run for charity

Give yourself a cause, it is a small effort for you but can have a big impact on others. At Asia Trail Master we have traditionally been supporting the Cordillera Conservation Trust in Philippines as well as Operation Smile, which operates world wide. Please have a look at their respective web introductions, and consider your next steps.

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