ATM 500 - Day 10: another 16 teams reach the virtual finish!


On day 10 of the inaugural ATM 500 Run Asia, Run Virtual, no fewer than 16 teams from across Asia reached the virtual finish line. Team Hallasan from South Korea included. The team built around Been Lee initially looked like it was going to finish very early, but eventually the team took their time to complete the last dozens of kilometres. Still well within the time limit of 14 days, so congratulations to the full Korean team!

Arnie Macaneras, who finished a superb second in UTKC 100 last February, brought his Vertical 2 Sky Mountain Runners 4 home today. An all-women team called Limbang Ladies, presumably from Sarawak in Malaysia, also completed the 500k today - and even with decent pacing, too.

Other teams that finished on Wednesday were:

  • Indonesian Spartans 1

  • TDA Runners

  • Monte Alba Team

  • Pinoy Runners Japan

  • Team Happy Fit

  • ARA Kura

  • KedoDOrun Melata

  • Night Walkers

  • KedoDorun Professor and Prodigy

  • Ketakebal 2

  • Self Awareness Runners

  • Team US

  • US Underdogs

It is great to see so many teams completing their journeys this week. We now have 121 official finishers, meaning nearly half of the teams that started last week on Monday. We have no doubt that the remaining teams will likewise do everything possible to fulfil this challenge!

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