Score a GM point at Malico Grand Ultra!

Brought to you by Mark Caldez of Marcado Trail Quest and the Maharlika Series team of Sierra Madre Trail Ultra, the second edition of Malico Grand Ultra in Santa Maria West, Pangasinan, in the West of Luzon a little south of Baguio, offers a Grandmaster point to all finishers of the 75km race on 18/19 January. The event was a Candidate Race in 2024.

As of the new Season 10 and following popular demand, a number of events on our calendar will only offer Grandmaster finisher points and no ATM Championship points. Malico Grand Ultra is the third of these.

Stunning panoramic views of Villa Verde ridges and pine forests, Malico Grand Ultra offers a unique blend of history, challenge, and natural beauty. Run through trails that were once significant battlegrounds during World War II. Immerse in the tranquil surroundings of Cabalisian River and move across the Andalasi hanging bridge to witness the crystal-clear waters of Ambayaoan River. Meanwhile, do not forget to take in the breathtaking mountain views of Mt. Ugo and Mt. Pigingan. One of the main highlights in the 75k category is the exhilarating downhill adventure at Mt. Valdez, that will undoubtedly challenge your skills and endurance. In fact, the 2024 edition showed this is a tough 75km that should not be underestimated. Miguel Carranza won the men’s race in 15h39’ and he is by no means mediocre! Carraza even preceeded other established technical trail runners such as Bhert Orpiada and Sai Tonog II. The women’s race had a surprising winner in Michella Aradanas, who managed to outpace Ann Jilian Pulanco.

Another element participants in the 75km GM distance should prepare for is the cold weather. It is January and close to Baguio, you will need more than just a running tee at night!

Registration for the event is open. Please go to RaceTech PHI to sign up. Event details can be obtained via the official facebook page.

Winners of the 2024 Candidate Race