After another wonderful edition of the Malaysia Mountain Trail Festival last weekend, the curtain has fallen on yet another ill-fated year for the mass participation running event industry. MMTF was, indeed, the only championship points race that actually took place in 2021. A few Candidate Races in the last month notwithstanding, nothing else happened this year. Everyone is longing for 2022 to begin, and just like a year ago, optimism characterises the mood of most. Nobody can predict developments concerning covid-19 in the next months, but most event organisers are now more hopeful given the fact that authorities have established protocols for the event industry. Some of these may be strict and may not be very pleasant, but at least they would allow for races to take place. Let’s be honest, runners have had enough of virtual races since a long time already now.
For obvious reasons, the 2022 event calendar tilts heavily towards the second semester. Chances of international participation remain very small until then. As announced already some time ago, the 2022 ATM Championship concept and regulations have been changed to reflect the current difficulties of people crossing borders. In a nutshell, runners will score points according to the traditional system to try and enter themselves in the top 5 male or female of their own country (or resident country in the case of non-Asian expats). Doing so will lead to an invitation to participate as part of a country’s national team in the winner-takes-all ATM Final in December.
The intended 2022 Asia Trail Master Championship calendar begins on the first weekend of March. Two events are scheduled for that weekend: Dalat Ultra Trail in Vietnam and The Punisher in the Philippines. Two events taking place at the same time is not ideal for anyone (read: runners must choose and media needs to split attention instead of focusing on one event only), but in 2022 ‘double hits’ will be unavoidable and covid-related postponements can never be excluded from today’s point of view.
March will be busy, because the following week we will be in Thailand for the classic Ultra Trail Koh Chang, and a week later we welcome Borneo Ultra Trail Marathon in Sabah as a newcomer on the ATM Championship calendar.
Several events will still be added to the 2022 calendar in weeks to come, as soon as there is more certainty about them. We are, amongst others, hopeful to add two points races in India to the below calendar, which would be a first for ATM. Discussions are ongoing between three organisers in three countries for the ATM Championship Final in December.
The intended 2022 ATM calendar is as follows:
5 March - Vietnam, Dalat City - Dalat Ultra Trail (70 km)
5 March - Philippines, Babak Samal Island, Mindanao - The Punisher (80 km)
12 March - Thailand, Koh Chang Island - UTKC (100 km & 70 km)
19 March - Malaysia, Sabah - BUTM (100 km & 50 km)
23 April - South Korea, Dongducheon - Korea 50K (59 km)
19 June - Japan, Nagaoka, Niigata - Echigo Country Trail (55 km)
XX June - Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Central Java - Coast To Coast Night Trail Ultra (70 km)
9 July - Indonesia, Malang, East Java - Mantra Summits Challenge (116 km & 75 km)
16 July - Malaysia, Century Pines Resort - Cameron Ultra (100 km)
23 July - Philippines, Lake Apo, Mindanao - MUSPO 50 (100 km)
20 August - Indonesia, Bondowoso, East Java - Ijen Trail (100 km)
27 August - Thailand, Chiangmai - UTCM (100 km & 60 km)
XX September - Vietnam, Yen Bai - Mu Cang Chai Trail Ultra (50 km)
17 September - Malaysia, Sabah - Borneo TMBT Ultra (100 km & 50 km)
24 September - Vietnam, Sapa - Vietnam Mountain Marathon (100 Miles & 100 km)
8 October - Malaysia, Penang - UToP (100 km)
15 October - Vietnam, Pu Luong - Vietnam Jungle Marathon (70 km)
22 October - Japan, Hakuba, Nagano - Hakuba Trails (52 km)
29 October - South Korea, High Trail 9 Peaks Ulju (100 km & 50 km)
29 October - Hong Kong, Lantau Island - Lantau 70 (70 km)
5 November - Thailand - Doi Nhok Trail (100 km)
19 November - Malaysia, Taiping - MMTF (100 km)
26 November - India - Malnad Ultra (100km/50 km)
27 November - Philippines, Baguio, Luzon - Cordillera Mountain Ultra (50 km)
December: subject to the allocation of the ATM Final and its event date
The Punisher on Babak Samal Island offers a great mix of beach and hilly rainforest
Dalat Ultra Trail is known for its mild climate and the pine forests
UTKC 2020 was the last international points race before the first lockdown. Paul Dunn and Fredelyn Alberto won the main race of 100km.
TMBT’s sister is growing up: BUTM joins the ATM Championship as a points race in 2022