T7M - Uglow 21 Half Marathon


The UGLOW 21 Half Marathon is already Mission VI and started the decisive weekend of our team running challenge the 7 Missions. Jeff Campbell (1:11:22!) and Rie Sugaya (1:28:45) were fastest man and woman today, but perhaps most important was to see if the T8 Kings of Quarantine were able to catch up ground on the MKRC Boleh Team. Given Brian McFlynn is only running later at night in Europe, we need to wait until the morning to get his details, but in any case the GC leaders have not disappointed in the Uglow 21. MKRC Boleh leads the provisional day’s result with once again a good mix of speed and elevation. The Uglow + A Team was strong today on their own Mission, too, and currently sit in second place. To note is also the fifth place of South Korea’s Checkpoint Namsan Team in fifth today!

More news to come.

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