Posts tagged Indonesia
11th ATM win for Ruth Theresia while Simanjuntak confirms his talent

The 3rd Bukit Lawang Orang Utan Trail in North Sumatra once again proved the depth of young trail running talent on the large Indonesian island. A clean sweep on the men’s 50k podium for local runners with Erwin Simanjuntak scoring his second consecutive race win in Bukit Lawang and even in a more impressive style than a year ago. In the women’s 50k it was wonderful to see our popular 2018 ATM Champion Ruth Theresia returning to victory lane after six years and this for the 11th time in her ATM trail journey - a new female record.

Traditional sunny and hot conditions for the race after the previous night’s heavy rainfall. The 50km started earlier than in previous editions at 4:30am, but followed the same pattern with a very runable 20km+ through plantations before the runners went steep up into the rainforest, where they disappeared on tough and often very technical trails. Erwin Simanjuntak, Lindra Mulfanis and Noel Pakpahan were jointly in the lead at that more or less halfway point, and Hong Kong-based Australian David Longo following closely behind. No Andre Sinaga this year, but Mulfanis and Pakpahan replaced him as solid challengers for Simanjuntak. Still, the latter confirmed his amazing talent by outgunning the other two and finishing in 5h47 - no fewer than 20 minutes faster than his own time last year! Lindra Mulfanis arrived in 6h21 as second - a fine result as well for a newbie. For reference, last year Chris Timms ran 6h18 in this race. Noel Pakpahan completed the top 3 shortly afterwards, and then it was David Longo and Slamed Riyadi.

Ruth Theresia on her part was leading the race more or less from start to finish. Her 11th ATM race victory came 5,5 years after her previous one at UT Nan in Thailand, where she secured her championship title at the time. Ruth focused on other objectives after that, and the covid crisis was not kind to her neither. Her comeback was marred by injuries, but this year she had already showed a return to competitive form at the 9 Dragons Hong Kong. By winning Orang Utan Trail she scored her wild card for this season’s ATM Final at Borneo TMBT in September, and she took the lead in the all-time female victory list. She now has 1 ATM race win more than Malaysia’s Tahira Najmunisaa, now mainly a duathlete, and four more than Australia’s Kim Matthews and Slovakia’s Veronika Vadovicova.

2018 ATM Champion Ruth Theresia had to wait 6 years to add an 11th race victory to her record

Lindra Mulfanis is a great young newcomer on the ATM scene with a second place

For David Longo, fourth was the highest achievable in Bukit Lawang

Sumatran runners impress at Bukit Lawang

Two ATM Candidate Races took place simultaneously in Indonesia and Philippines last weekend and both with considerable success and appeal for next year’s ATM Championship calendar. At Sierra Madre Trail Ultra 75, Larry Apolinario beat Elmer Retolado and Sherlyn Fugaban asserted herself as the new Queen of the Rizal. At Bukit Lawang, local Sumatran runners proved they can run trail, too, on an interesting course with impressive support from the local community and the indigenous inhabitants of the rainforest: the orang utans.

From the get-go, established race favourites Arief Wismoyono and Thimo Kilberth were put under pressure by the quick pace of local runner Ongki Saleh. The first half of the 42k long Bukit Lawang Jungle Trail is very runable and certainly not very technical, allowing for relatively easy sub-five minute kilometres. However, the second half is an entirely different story. Runners enter a thick rainforest on narrow single trails and have to negotiate two very steep ‘bukits’ or hills. The descent of which are just as steep and technical. Thimo and Arief were therefore not yet alarmed when they heard Ongi Saleh had distanced them by nearly ten minutes at km 22. However, the local athlete, seemingly inexperienced, was stronger and more resilient than expected. Ongi Saleh lost ‘only’ half of his advantage on the bukits, and came home solo in first place. A brilliant victory that was celebrated extensively by his friends at the impressive start/finish arena. In an intense battle for second place, 2015 ATM Champion Arief Wismoyono caught up again with Thimo Kilberth in the final few kilometres, but the Bali-based German had a little extra fuel left in the tank for the final slope uphill to the finish line. Two weeks after his third place at the Batur Trail Challenge, Kilberth proves again he is in the best running shape of his life. In the women’s 42k, a young woman from Aceh drew all the attention. Ina Lydia Utari arrived at the halfway point in fifth place overall, and just like Ongi Saleh in the men’s did not lose a lot of ground in the technical second part. Nice to see runners from Sumatra doing so well, and we hope to see more of them in the ATM Championship points races coming up this season.

The same applies for Sherlyn Fugaban in the Philippines after two convincing victories in the Rizal mountains in the past month. Fugaban outpaced Cecile Wael and Cheryl Navarro last Saturday on the tough 75k course of Sierra Madre. The first Filipino points race this season is MUSPO 100 in Budkidnon, Mindanao. Curious whether she can open her points account there with a full whack of 500 points. Fugaban is increasingly seen as a potential favourite for this year’s women’s ATM title. The returning Aggy Sabanal ran a solid race and even held second place until the halfway point, when she missed a marker and lost too much time to still feature up front in the race.

At Akyathlon 2019, Elmer Retolado had the better of Larry Apolinario, but the table got reversed at Sierra Madre 2022. The two of them were in a league of their own, but this time Apolinario had a little extra to take a great win. Anthony Calixterio grabbed third on the podium.

Ina Lydia Utari won the 42k race in great style

Thimo Kilberth had a great scrap with Arief Wismoyono

Arief Wismoyono showed a lot of grit but had to settle for 3rd just behind Thimo

Riverside at Bukit Lawang with rows of homestays, restaurants and warungs

The organisers of Bukit Lawang know how to build a great event arena, including a large marquee tent

Real jungle trails at Bukit Lawang

After winning Santa Ines last month, Sherlyn Fugaban also controlled Sierra Madre in another part of the Rizal mountains

The women’s podium at Sierra Madre

The men’s podium at Sierra Madre

Mantra: Nilsen vs Diago, part 2

After the flattish BNI Plataran X Trail in West Bali National Park a week ago - a 50k race dominated by our Asia Trail Master champions Manolito Divina and Tahira Najmunisaa - we move to East Java for the second 2018 Candidate Race in Indonesia. The Mantra Summits Challenge at the Kaliandra Eco Resort in Malang may have the same distance as the Bali race, but this weekend it will be the climbing goats to make the beautiful weather rather than the fast-paced runners. Nearly 4200 meters of elevation gain over 51 km and two peaks of more than 3000m altitude. Even the 30km (2800 hm) is very tough. Perhaps no surprise that good old Jan Nilsen feels attracted to Mantra Summits Challenge. Nilsen is coming back to his best level and is keen to add another Indonesia race victory on his record. Remember, Jan was unbeaten in this country last year with wins on Rinjani, Bromo and MesaStila Peaks Challenge. This year, however, he had to tolerate Pablo Diago Gonzales ahead of him at Ijen Trailrunning 70 in May. And guess what: Pablo Diago is also on the start list this weekend! Nilsen vs Diago part 2. Any dark horses? There surely are with Ijen 100 winner Dzaki Wardana as a very motivated contender. 

In the women's race Ruth Theresia and Shindy Patricia are again expected to battle for victory. Russia's Anna Kosova, second and not too far behind Tahira in Bali last week, may turn up as welll. 

We will be reporting from the Kaliandra Resort starting tomorrow on our social media channels with photo and video. 

BNI Plataran X Trail new 2018 ATM Candidate Race

While the main island of Java has been enjoying a boom of trail running activity in recent years, relatively little has been happening on Indonesia's main holiday island Bali. This is about to change with the birth of the BNI Plataran X Trail event on 22 July, the first major trail running on Bali with an international ambition. The event features a 50 km fast trail course through the West Bali National Park, and has eco resort Plataran L'harmonie as home base for start and finish.

The new event is also a Candidate Race for the 2018 Asia Trail Master Championship. . 

A genuine trail run with a mixture of forest paths, beach and rainforest single trail. There will be almost no tarmac road or concrete in the race course. Elevation gain in West Bali NP is limited, but there are a few hills to be negotiated nonetheless to add some spice and to offer some breathtaking views of the coastal area. Brief, this is a very runable course in a very beautiful setting that will appeal to trail lovers of all levels. Lots of cultural performances and add-ons are planned, and along with a generous COT to allow everyone to finish, BNI Plataran X Trail is set to be a trail running festivity. 

The event has 3 race categories:

50 K , COT 11 hours
25 K, COT 10 hours
7.1K fun run 

Registration is open via:

Mantra Summits Challenge new 2018 ATM Candidate Race

July is in many countries the off season for trail running, but not so in Indonesia. There's quite a number of races taking place and some of them at international level and with ambition to join the Asia Trail Master Championship series in 2018. We have already highlighted Bandung Ultra 100 on 16-17 September before, but on 29 July you can challenge yourself in East Java as well. The Mantra Summits Challenge, hosted by the Kaliandra Eco Resort in Prigen Pasuran, offers a tough programme of 50k , 30k and 15k races with significant elevation gain. The 50k festures the ascent of two mountains above 3000m: Gunung Welirang and Gunung Arjuna. 

Adventurous, beautiful yet also very challenging. A combination of mountain trail running with nature conservation, which we will highlight in the next weeks. The event is organised by an experienced team of trail runners, which also has 2016 Indonesia Trail Master Shindy Patricia in its ranks. 

The event has 3 race categories:

50 K with 4500 hm elevation gain, COT 17 hours
30 K with 2100 hm elevation gain, COT 12 hours
15 K with 900 hm elevation gain, COT 4 hours 

Registration via 

Report: Theresia sprints past Patricia to grab ATM points lead!

Indonesia's Ruth Theresia is the new points leader in the women's Asia Trail Master championship after scoring her third race win of the season at Ijen Trailrunning in Sempol, Bondowoso, East Java. It didn't come easy. Shindy Patricia looked like having the victory all wrapped up, until Theresia came back in the final kilometres. The two leading ladies of the Indonesian trail scene then sprinted for the win. An amazing conclusion to a 100k race, and arguably also a symbolic one: Patricia was last year's Indonesia Trail Champion, but this year Ruth Theresia seems to have taken over. With 2020 ATM Championship points in 4 races, she now leads the standings at the expense of Cheryl Bihag, who also sees Lily Suryani overtaking her. Both Bihag and Suryani already completed 5 races this season. Last year's champion Tahira Najmunisaa has three races so far. The best five results count at the end of the year. 

Ijen Trailrunning offers one of the most beautiful trail courses of the year with the impressive Ijen volcano crater as the centre point of the race. The weather conditions were unusually cool at the nighttime start of both the 100k and 70k races, which was of course pleasant for the participants. While Shindy Patricia had the best start in the women's, local running star Yohanis Hiareij put the hammer down in the men's 100k. Hiareij finished second in a close finish with Arief Wismoyono at Ijen last season, and was determined to win this time around. Having notched up places of honour at Tahura Trail and Coast To Coast Night Trail, he was keen to take his first ever major race win. But alas, as with the women's race, and just like last week in Penang Eco, the race is not over until it is over. Hiareij was in control for over 90 km, and then Central Java's dark horse Dzaki Wardana ran up to him. Wardana is known to mix stellar results with average ones, but at Ijen he clearly felt great. Wardana caught Hiareij and dropped him to win his first career ATM race! At the finish the difference was about ten minutes. His race time was just under 17 hours for the 100k and 4200 hm. Vincent Chalias from France looked set to gain third place, but in the end Sam Samides took it. 

The field of participants on the men's 70k on paper looked even stronger. With this year's new regulations, each Grandmaster distance race offers the same championship performance points. All eyes were set on Grandmaster Jan Nilsen, making his comeback from injury, and Spain's Pablo Diago Gonzales, king of Mount Apo on Mindanao last month. Before the start, there was a third runner popping up who could spoil the party for both established runners: Indonesia's Ari Masrudi, second at Tahura Trail in January ahead of Wismoyono, Dessy, Hiareij and others, is a roadrunner looking to find his way on the trail. Ijen 70 was his first 70k ever. In the race, Gonzales went to the front quickly and coming down from the volcano crater had a gap of approx ten minutes on Jan Nilsen, who did very well in his first race in 2,5 months. Gonzales kept the advantage until the finish. Masrudi followed with Philippines' Jared Tevis closely behind in fourth place. The latter duo would change places later on, making it an interesting non-indonesia podium for the 70k race. 

In the women's 70k, Switzerland's well-known and very experienced Katja Fink proved to be the fastest. Fink led from start to finish. Grandmaster Ina Budiyarni was in second for over three quarters of the race until hydration issues slowed her down to see Elisabeth Perez (USA) come past with 13k to go and grab second at the finish. 


At Ijen the return of Jan Nilsen

After the dramatic races at Penang Eco 100 in Malaysia, the Asia Trail Master Championship series move to Indonesia this weekend for already the third time this season. Ijen Trailrunning is on the agenda, also
known as the the Race to the Blue Fire, after the blue glow runners will see at night as they climb the  Ijen volcano in East Java. Contrary to the ultra tough MesaStila Peaks Challenge and Bromo Tengger Semeru Ultra races later in autumn, Ijen Trailrunning is in fact quite runnable. Nevertheless, this year the event by Egon Trails has also seen a face-lift as a new 100 km category has been added to the programme,  with total elevation gain of approx 4200 Hm. That is comparable with the biggest trail race in Hong Kong each January, and the good news is that also the same cut-off time is being applied at
Ijen. That means every runner has a good chance of completing the distance and return home happy, especially those who are attempting their first ever 100K.

Sempol, which serves as the race venue, is a very remote location and it takes time to get there, but the several hundreds of participants will certainly not be disappointed. The Ijen volcano is a fantastic sight to see.

Looking at the start list, we find many big names of the Asia Trail Master circuit, but one man might steal the show: Grandmaster Jan Nilsen. The amazing Thailand-based Norwegian is making a bit of a comeback this weekend after being out of action with injury for quite some time. Jan Nilsen stole the hearts of many people in the Asian trail running community last year with a string of outstanding performances in the most brutal of trail races on the continent. Seemingly never tired, Nilsen was unbeaten in Indonesia in 2016, demolishing the field at MesaStila Peaks Challenge, Bromo Tengger Semeru 100 miles and Rinjani 100 as the cherry on the pie. Nilsen was
the only finisher of the 100k race at Rinjani. Not bad for a 50-year-old from chilly northern Europe!

Urban legends have been going around about Jan Nilsen. One of the weirdest, which he later denied, was that on weekdays he works and trains on a container ship running around the containers at sea. Nilsen was also always sick or injured, until he crossed the finish
line in first place. But at the end of last year, the many long and demanding efforts did catch up with him. Nilsen lost out on the ATM Championship in a direct confrontation with Manolito Divina in Clark at CM 50, and vowed it was time to take a rest. However, he did not and continued taking part in tough ultra trails. After a few uncharacteristic DNFs, Nilsen did take a little break, eventually. But the damage to his foot had already been done. He returned early March
at the Cordillera Mountain Ultra and could not do better than fifth place: not what one expects from Jan Nilsen in a mountain trail race. He realised it as well, and at last put a stop to his running
activities. Acting like a true professional, he switched to cycling to keep his body in motion and retain his stamina. Now, two-and-a-half months later, the Grandmaster returns to the trail scene. Not yet fully convinced of his performance level, Nilsen has opted to go for the 70K rather than the 100K. It will be great to see him back in action, and competitive as he is, he will go for the race win. However, that might not come as easy: Pablo Diago Gonzales is also on the 70K start list! The Singapore-based Spaniard was the King of Mount Apo on Mindanao last month, and finds at Ijen a course with similar characteristics, only less technical. Gonzales is an excellent road
runner and has ATM Championship ambitions. He starts as the man-to-beat on the 70K, which is a Grandmaster distance and as the 100K accredited with 400 performance points.

The local Indonesian stars are nearly all going for the new 100K race distance. Last year's winner Arief Wismoyono is still recovering from his efforts at Penang Eco 100 last weekend, but his rival from twelve months ago is back to claim that elusive race victory. Yohanis Hiareij has been going very well so far this year and a 10th place in the current ATM Championship ranking proves that. Hiareij is a local from the area and knows the terrain. Last year, he was the only runner able
to follow the pace of Wismoyono. Hiareij seems the favourite to win the inaugural 100k, but will need to watch out for the likes of Vincent Chalias and Laurent Tuffi from France, and Aris Supiandi Muklis. And of course, in any trail race of this nature, unexpected names may turn up...

The women's competition is currently a bit unpredictable. Ruth Theresia, Lily Suryani and Shindy Patricia are expected to start at Ijen, yet the decision on which race distance is pending. Both took part at Penang Eco 100 last weekend, a race that of course cost an enormous amount of physical and mental energy. Ruth and Lily both can claim the top spot in the ATM Championship ranking, led by Cheryl Bihag, this weekend, though. For both it would be the perfect end of
the first semester of 2017. Ruth Theresia in particular can put the pressure on her main championship contenders Tahira Najmunisaa, Sandi Menchi, Kim Matthews and co.

Mila Marlina is another podium and potential race win candidate on the 100k, and on the 70k we can expect Grandmaster Ina Budiyarni to be close.

As usual, signal permitting, we will be reporting live from Ijen
Trailrunning throughout the weekend.

Yohanis Hiareij (right) was officially second in last year's race behind Arief Wismoyono

Yohanis Hiareij (right) was officially second in last year's race behind Arief Wismoyono

BDG Ultra 100 - 2018 Candidate Race in September

Bandung Ultra 100

16-17 September 2017, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Bandung 100 K is a race with magnificent views in the northern mountains around the city of Bandung. The event is organised by the renowned team of Bandung Explorer, which features some of the country's best trail runners such as Arief Wismoyono and Ruth Theresia. The new race joins our list of 2018 Candidate Races, which means that it is in pole position to be granted a slot on the calendar of the 2018 Asia Trail Master Championship. 

The event has three race categories;

100 K with elevation gain 6.360 m, COT 32 hours.
50 K with elevation gain 2.680 m, COT 15 hours and
Ekiden, a relay team of 4 take 25 K each person with COT 8 hours

Start: Tahura
Finish: Villa Istina Bunga

Registration via:

Ruth Theresia is Talking Trail Running

Penang Eco 100 this weekend has attracted a stellar line-up of protagonists in the Asia Trail Master Championship series. On the start list for the Malaysia SuperTrail is also a whole delegation from Indonesia, a country which has produced several outstanding trail runners in the past two years. Among them, and arguably the latest running star coming from Java, at least in the women's category, is 27-year-old Ruth Theresia. Ruth only got into competitive running about two years ago, but her progress has been more than remarkable. Hailing from Bandung, place of her mentor and male ATM championship leader Arief Wismoyono, Ruth Theresia won the last three ATM races she took part in and is aiming for more, a lot more. The upcoming race in Penang will be her first attempt at the 100 miles distance. If she proves successful, Ruth Theresia will have a significant shot at the Asia Trail Master championship title later this year. Not bad for someone who can certainly still be called a "newbie" in trail running! High time to get to know Ruth Theresia a little bit better. 

By K. Van de Velde

Q: first of all, could you briefly present yourself to the people who may not know you. Where do you come from, and where did you grow up?

RT:  My name is Ruth Theresia. Actually people call me Irut. I come from Bataknese family. I was born 27 years ago in Jakarta. I grow up in Jakarta until graduate my senior high school, then I move to Bandung to continue my study at Telkom University (Industrial Engineering program) in 2008 and currently stay here. I am the eldest children in my family. I have 2 young brothers, and I haven’t married yet.

Q: What do you do for a living? 

RT: After I graduate my bachelor program in 2013 I work as a banker until mid of 2016. Then I resign from office. Now my daily activities just for sport. Do the running program, sometimes play basketball and ride my bicycle.

Q: have you always been sporty? 

RT: Yes. Before I run, I was a basketball athlete. I play basketball since the age of 13. I play in several national basketball competition and for a pro basketball club (Rajawali Bandung). After I quit from my club, then I join Bdg Explorer in September 2015. 

Q: what attracted you to running, and in particular trail running?

RT:  Basically, when I started to run I didn't  have any plan to join running competitions. I run just for maintaining my condition, so that I am still fit when I play basketball. Before I join Bdg Explorer, I join BR20 runners first. It is one of Bandung run community, their passion is in road run. In July 2015 my crew influenced me to join a road race. My first time race was in Singapore. I found something new in running. Then I continued to participate in a marathon in the next month until I got to know Bandung Explorer in September. That was the first time I learnt about  trail running. I was curious, then I join BTS 70K in November 2015. That was my first experience in mountain-ultra-trail race. When I am in a road run, I feel bored of the track because of the flat route and it's mostly asphalt. In trail I can see beautiful scenery, run on varried terrain, and combine running with hiking. I also learn about self management and strategy in ultratrail races. Second reason is because I see a big opportunity in trail running, esspecially in Indonesia.

Q: did you have any idols as a youngster? 

RT: Yes absolutely, Mira Rai. She is young, strong, fast, talented, and inspired me in trail running.

Q: can you describe your first ever running race? 

RT: My very first time running race was the Singapore Sundown Marathon 2015. It was my first race experience and I took full marathon. I finished it quite close to the finish cut off time. I felt exhausted and almost the whole of my body felt stiff. People said that I am a desperate runner at this time. I have my own reason, because I want to challenge myself and feel the sport competition atmosphere. I got addicted to running.  Then I join others marathon race the following month.

Q: you made a remarkable progress in a very short time, and arguably are the woman-to-beat in Indonesia these days. You won the last 3 ATM races you took part in. How would you explain this jump in performance? 

RT: It began when I participated in MesaStila Peaks Challenge 2016. It was my second time in a mountain-ultra-trail race after BTS 70K in 2015. I finished 10th place in that BTS 2015. The gap in time was almost a year to MPC 2016. I had started to train and joined several local trail races (not ATM qualified). As a junior to join MPC last year, I had only set "to finish" as a  target, I had never dreamt to catch the podium. But finally I could finish in 2nd place of the women category. MPC 2016 was my moment. The great result became a trigger for me. Then, I went back to BTS 2016 for 102K and finished as 1st women. Both results made me set another target. I feel optimistic and motivated in 2017. I also receive great support from Bgd Explorer team. I train with experts and get running program from a coach. So, I quit my daytime job and have begun as a serious trail runner. Thankfully,  I had background as a basketball athlete already, So I have felt the sport competition vibe before and already built a strong mental strength. 

Q: What is your ambition in trail running? 

RT: I can represent Indonesia in international trail running races, become an Indonesia mountain trail running ambassador, and inspire Indonesian women to get fit and be brave to do sport, especially trail running.

Q: Coming back to idols, are there any Indonesian role models for you?

RT: Arief Wismoyono. One of my role models in Indonesia and my training partner.He shares much his experiences and give some advices to us. He is so humble, so we never be afraid to ask him about training program. When I train with him, he always support me and never leave me far from him. It makes me to follow his pace.

Q: How often do you train per week?

RT:  6 times in a week, 1 day rest on Monday.

Q: what about road running? I have noticed you have a fast pace on the road as well, what's your best time on the road marathon? 

RT: Not so fast hahaha.. My last timing is 4 hr 18 minutes at Jakarta Marathon 2015, then after that I never participate in road marathon anymore. 

Q: What is your favourite race and why? 

RT: Vibram HK 100. Very well organized, nice weather to run, and I can meet and share the experience with some elite runners.

Q: Did you ever experience the runner's high? 

RT: Never so far

Q: You are attempting the 100 miles at Penang Eco 100, which is a very big challenge given the cut-off time. How do you feel a few days before the race?

RT:  I feel excited but nervous. This is one of Asia Trail Master's super trail races, so I am ambitious to get the bonus championship points.  But I feel nervous because this will be my first 100 miles experience.

Q: Penang Eco 100 is indeed the Malaysia SuperTrail and has 575 ATM championship points on offer for the race winner. If you manage this, you are putting pressure on Tahira Najmunisaa and may even become the woman to beat in this year's ATM championship. Is that a goal for you?

RT: Yes. Penang Eco has the biggest points on offer for the 100 miles. It is one of my red circles on my ATM race calendar this year. So I have to finish it to boost my ranking.

Q: Last year at MesaStila, Tahira finished clearly ahead of you. Do you think you can get closer to her this year ? 

RT: She really did great last year and her performance has even increased this year, it seems.  It was our first head to head at  Mesastila, but I am optimistic to get closer to her this year. 

Q: Just one week after Penang, you are also on the start list of Ijen Trailrunning. Do you think you will be recovered in time? 

RT: I hope so. If I am still fit I will continue to run in Ijen. I will discuss to my therapist for the recovery after Penang Eco.  

Q: Have you ever competed against Sandi Menchi from Philippines, another ATM title pretender this season? 

RT: Never, I haven’t competed against her.

Q: do you enter a race with a specific strategy in mind? 

RT: Yes. First I learn about my competitors to find out my position, then I learn about the maps, elevation gain, weather forecast, and the terrain to project my finishing time. I study the water statiion distance to set my refuel energy plan.

Q: Would you like to represent Indonesia at the Trail World Championships? 

RT: Absolutely, especially in UTMB and UTWT

Q: Any Indonesian race you would like to see in ATM? 

RT: Bandung Ultra 100, Mantra Summit Challenge, Rinjani Ultra 100, and GP Ultra 100

Q: What is your favourite piece of running music? 

RT: All kind of up-beat music like RnB or pop music. Because it helps me to get a good mood during the race.