Posts tagged perakultra
Perak Ultra: Andy Lee & Chong Mei Tze win Candidate Race

Andy Lee Chong Chi and Chong Mei Tze are the two winners of quite a runable Perak Ultra last weekend, the next ATM Candidate Race in Malaysia, organised by the crew of The Great Malaya Trail. The event featured several race categories of which the 100k attracted most attention. Heavy rainfall preceeding the event, however, forced a number of reroutes away from the trails deeper in the rainforest . As such, total distance was about 92km and a much more runable route with quite a bit of tarmac road, which played into the hands of ultra road specialist Chong Mei Tze. She led the race basically all day and won ahead of Siokhar Lim and Norlela Ismail in a very solid 11h06 and fourth overall. Siokhar Lim is a busy bee these days again, having just scored 3rd in last week’s Jagoi Heritage Run in Sarawak, too. Clearly in very good shape with a finish time of 11h27, the technical trail runner and ATM Grandmaster will be a big favourite in her home race next month, Ultimate Trails of Penang (UTOP).

The men’s race turned out to be very exciting with two runners going head-to-head. Japan’s Atsushi Ito and Andy Lee Chong Chi. Initially, Ito appeared to be the fastest of the two, but Lee Chong Chi came back and managed to drop Ito in the latter stages to win in 10h04, three minutes ahead. Impressive running by the duo. Seiji Morofuji completed the podium in third 50 minutes back, also one week after Jagoi.

Special thanks to our ATM reporter in Perak, Mark Jinmin.

The men’s podium: Andy Lee, Atsushi Ito and Seiji Morofuji

The women’s podium: Chong Mei Tze, Siokhar Lim and Norlela Ismail

Perak Ultra a new ATM Candidate

We are happy to announce Perak Ultra in the famous Lenggong Valley as the next official ATM Candidate Race in Malaysia on the weekend of 3/4 September. This will be the first ever Ultra event in Lenggong Valley, known as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for past 10 years, and also as National Geo Park Site. The trail routes will go through magnificient places such as caves, durian orchards, deer farm, the Raban Lake and many more. Organised by the Comrades, who also bring you a.o. The Great Malaya Trail, Perak Ultra will offer several race categories. Flagship category is the 100K, which will have minimum 70% of offroad - the requirement to join ATM. There’s also 50k, 30k and 20k races but note these have at least 50% of road in them.

Registrations as usual go via Checkpoint Spot: . The race pack collection will be here: Dewan Tasik Raban Resort, Lenggong, Perak


The Longgeng Valley (photo from Perak Ultra facebook)